Friday, December 13, 2013

You have to be odd to be number one..

Well hello, random 3 people who actually read this blog.. I am, in fact, back.. And it feels good..

My arrival back to the world of the internet is in fact triggered by the departure of school for a blessed month. Yes, finals are over and I couldn't be more overjoyed at this fact. I received the only B of my life and other shit-like grades, but I survived. Vet school is looking more and more bleak, to be honest.. Whether that is the path I am destined to take, no one but God truly knows.. We'll have to see..

I usually am very comedic in these posts. I know everyone enjoys this but today will have to take a more serious tone. Sorry boutcha.. Go watch some Malcom in the Middle or Trailer Park Boys (both on Netflix, both HILARIOUS).

I am truly blessed..
My parents, of which both are still alive and happily married, love me and support my every decision unbiasedly.
My siblings are the best and my brothers are to die for.. at least for a good laugh..
And I have some of the ABSOLUTE best friends any guy could ask for.. I don't like mentioning people by name, but I do enjoy gloating about some of them.. So, I shall

My friends put up with me.. I have a keen way of being..... ummm.. Weird.. hahaha
I belong in Austin, London, San Fran, or anywhere else in the world.. I use to love Lubbock, and I still defend her.. But something has changed.. I want to be gone..
My friends inspire me to greater things.. They challenge, push, and plunge me into success whether I want it or not, it happens..
I came to the conclusion that I don't care what people think of me.. A huge reason for my dreads adventure has been due to this.. I hate opinions of people I don't know.. But, with these guys and girls, I want to be something THEY are proud of.. I want them to blog of me... These people are business majors, pre-med students, engineers, architects, mother-figures, ultimate players, lovers, haters, jokers, tokers, fandoms, gay, straight, atheist, Christian, beautiful, ugly (just kidding ha), and some of the best people I have ever met in the world.. I may not make it out of college alive, but I sure as hell will cherish every friend I have met here.. With all my heart..

I would like to finish with happiness.. I find that I am unhappy, despite these blessings.. I feel as though I want love.. Not to make love, but to be entrapped by love.. And honestly, I don't know how to find it.. " For sure, you have to be lost to find a place that can't be found, elseways everyone would know where it was." This tells me one thing.. I have to abandon all pre-dispositions about love and BE SOMEONE who is worthy of someone I find worthy.. What does that mean..? I don't know yet, but I'll let you know.

Song choice: Anything by Blue October or You Found Me by the Fray