Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"I have two words for you.. Get U-Haul Truck.."
"That.. That's three words..."

My boss and I have the most stimulating of conversations.. He normally can't count, spell, nor function in heated environments (Welcome to west Texas and Lubbock, buddy..!) but today was especially terrible.. We were packing a trailer for a young lady we know (through our bosses) and it was 97 outside.. With 40% humidity.. and it was sunny.. and the apartment had no AC.. and she lived on the damned 2nd floor.. And had SUEDE EVERYTHING.. I literally didn't think anyone had more suede than Elvis till I met Melissa.. And, heavens above, she made the king of Rock and Roll "roll" over in his grave with her ensemble.. But no matter, we packed it in under an hour and a half and I was through with her and her stuff..!! 
Till I opened my freaking mouth..
"Yeah the only way I would unpack you in Dallas is if someone bought me a ticket to 6 Flags ha.."
"Can you be at the house at 7 in the morning..?"- Boss
Woooooooow, Trey, Awesome.. You don't even like 6 flags.. Faggot.. 

So tomorrow I embark on a journey to Dallas with my bosses (Not my direct boss, my "check writing bosses", the Dr. and the Mrs.) and their daughter (24) and her friend (23).. And I am sitting in the backseat of the trunk with the cat.. for 6 hours.. to Dallas.. in the Summer.. Spontaneously.. So nooooo friends can meet me.. 

But, I am happy about this.. I have tried to find a new view on life.. JUST LIVE IT.. 

Mark Twain and Ferris Bueller say it best, respectively..

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Great words, right..?? I mean.. Why do we tirelessly eat the same food, play the same games, fight the same fights, drive the same way, look the same way..? BRANCH OUT AND BE SOMETHING THAT PEOPLE WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER FORGET.. Like.. Don't just grow dreads, get a beard like Gandalf, or a gross tattoo of Jaba the Hutt.. Be kind while looking like an emo, sing like an angel while cockfighting, carry sparklers around with you and use them while friends are smoking ciggies*.. And don't give a rat's ass what people think.. Be remembered by the strangers, hated by the haters, and adored by the acquaintances, and loved by the most important people in your life.. Because, if you're not different, who are you..?

*Patent pending..

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