Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hold Us Together by Matt Maher is a pretty sweet song...

I have been rather speechless lately.. And for those of you that know me you know how absurd and asinine that statement is.. I am NEVER speechless.. EVER.. EVEN IF THERE IS A FIRE..!*
Trying to understand why I am like this I consulted one of the wisest people I know.. The amazing man known simply as my boss:
"Hey boss, what makes you sad..?"
"Obamacare and the greed of modern Americans.."
"No... I mean.. What you can control.."
"Questions..," as he glares at me for asking questions...

So needless to say, I have no answer..

I did get 5 movies (one of them being BluRay) at Target for $25 yesterday..! Talk about a deal.. Pineapple Express, The Fighter, Knocked Up, the Great Outdoors, and Reservoir Dogs..!!! INSTANT CLASSICS..

Have you ever been somewhere, seen something, or known someone who simply changed your life.. Not for the good, not for the better necessarily, just simply changed it..
Ex: The first person to tell me that the Washington Redskins AND the Washington Wizards were both in the Capitol and not, in fact, in Washington state, changed my life..
No but seriously, I want you to consider someone who has done something for you without you asking or them owing you.. Someone who does a daily, weekly, yearly, or maybe only a one time thing that continually affects you..



Keep going..

Yeah, there it is..

I like it..

Now... Thank that person.. My person is one of the most hurtful people in the entire world.. There were points in my life that I wished she would rot in a cave with Saddam Hussein and Hillary Clinton.. But that's wrong.. Her TWO TIMES OF HURTING ME (TWICE) taught me a lot.. It also shoved me away from her and to the woman whom I am eventually going to marry.. This person deserves my thanks.. Because she CHANGED my life. For the better.. Thank the person who ruined your life for awhile.. Because they made you stronger.. Thank your boss who fired you, because you're getting more money/more time for PS3 now.. Thank her, thank him, thank them.. Because in the end, we're nothing without our experiences. They are what shape, define, and justify who we are..

*If you got this quote, you rock..

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