Sunday, June 30, 2013

Do you think king size sheets are called presidential size when in England..?

"I am so tired of the Black Eyed Peas. It's rock and roll for people who don't like rock and roll, it's rap for people who don't like rap, it's pop for people who don't like pop." -Robert California
Truer words, about one of the crappiest groups alive, have never been spoken..

I want to suggest something to you.. Find words that you can try to use everyday.. Make the words a part of you and explore their uses and boundaries with every sentence you construct around them.. My words consist of:

These words, while seemingly normal, are actually great replies to any conversation.. Uncanny being the "in-betweener" word, interesting being positive reinforcement, and absurd being negative.. It also gets you out of a boring conversation in a hurry haha..

I have come to the very disturbing realization that I am, in fact, grown up.. This fact hit me the other day when I wore this hideous shirt I was given by a family member.. Now normally, my mom would have made me wear it anyways, but she didn't.. And the family member wasn't around so I didn't have to wear it for his/her sake.. I simply wore it because it was a gift and I wanted to be nice.. Also, finding clean clothes has become a hassle since this chemistry class has been kicking my ass.. But yeah, I actually use gifts people give me now.. Even sucky ones.. That, my friends, is growing up..

Now everyone does realize that I say the N-word at least once a day and that if ANYONE tries to do cancel my blog like they did to poor Paula Deen, there is gonna be a lync... ehh.. death.. 

Complete joke, don't get freaking butt hurt.. -----------------------^

Be original.. Since, in Ecclesiastes 1:9, it says that "There is nothing new under the sun..", you can't technically be original per say.. But you can piece together a life and a personality that is purely original and 100% you..

Just be yourself. If "yourself" was all your personality minus the cult-following, sheep-like attitude.. No one likes sheep.. I promise.. NOBODY LIKES SHEEP.. You know people say, "Oh sheep this, sheep that.. Bahhh.." No.. Sheep suck.. Sheep stink.. They are the sheepiest livestock animal ever..
What I am trying to say is.. Be yourself no matter what.. Minus the following and "I wanna be like him attitude"..
Because, there is a reason you are supposed to be who you are.. You are meant to "be something" for someone one day.. And if you are not the original you, the 100% organic you, then the person you are out here on this planet for (whether it be for the opposite sex in marriage, a best friend, or even a boss/subordinate relationship) will either 
A) Be disappointed because you are the complete wrong person for them due to your unoriginal mentality. They were most likely meant for someone else as were you.. 
B) They will feel lied to and tricked.. Whether intentional or not..
I have had my fair share of complete and utter rejections because I was not what said girl wanted.. And that is Good.. I am glad because they obviously weren't meant for me.. I am not claiming to be someone whom can get any person in the entire world to like me.. Self-confession time: I struggle with people not liking me.. unless I don't like them, then I don't give a damn.. But back to the point ha..
I have had a lot of people not like me for my views and attitude on this and that.. And to that I say, They are fearing the Big Mac.. the Chick-Fil-A sandwich.. iPad.. Shampoo.. All original ideas, and they fear that..
Which then bridges to my next point.. This point goes hand in hand with being original.. It's called being great..

To become something great in this world you have to be afraid and feared.. Because if you're not afraid of what you're going to face, then it's not worth facing. It is not worth it for me to go to the gym and pick up a 45lb bar and start benching it.. That is 45 pounds.. I know I look like I am built like a 6th grade, pre-puberty girl, but even I don't have trouble with that..! I don't fear that weight.. Maybe 55 though.. hahaha.. jk.. But what I am saying is, it's not worth it to fear that.. Reminds me of a great quote and one of my favorites.. "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate.. It is that we are powerful beyond measure.. It is our light, not our darkness, that gives us hope.." This quote should sum up your life.. Not your life when you graduate college.. Not your life when you get that promotion.. Not your life when you get married and have kids.. Your life TODAY.. If you today you go to work, get paid minimum wage, have a crappy day, get yelled at, come home and get in a fight, go to bed pissed, burn your mac and cheese, then yes, that is a cruddy day.. I am not going to lie, that would make me want to quit.. But you don't need to say, "When things get better, then I'll go achieve greatness and be fearful of how awesome I am.." HELL NO.. Be afraid, be awesome, and be original TODAY.. Go get that promotion, that guy/girl, move those mountains, climb that skyscraper, and figure out a way to achieve your dream.. And in turn, people will fear you and your greatness (Not a fear like fearing bubonic plague or Spartans, but you get the gist..).. So get dreadlocks, eat tofu, go hunting, wear only pink, and buy a ferret.. BE DIFFERENT.. But also, achieve greatness..  Because if you're not in this rat race known as life to do something great and be someone great, then why are you here..?

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