Sunday, June 30, 2013

Do you think king size sheets are called presidential size when in England..?

"I am so tired of the Black Eyed Peas. It's rock and roll for people who don't like rock and roll, it's rap for people who don't like rap, it's pop for people who don't like pop." -Robert California
Truer words, about one of the crappiest groups alive, have never been spoken..

I want to suggest something to you.. Find words that you can try to use everyday.. Make the words a part of you and explore their uses and boundaries with every sentence you construct around them.. My words consist of:

These words, while seemingly normal, are actually great replies to any conversation.. Uncanny being the "in-betweener" word, interesting being positive reinforcement, and absurd being negative.. It also gets you out of a boring conversation in a hurry haha..

I have come to the very disturbing realization that I am, in fact, grown up.. This fact hit me the other day when I wore this hideous shirt I was given by a family member.. Now normally, my mom would have made me wear it anyways, but she didn't.. And the family member wasn't around so I didn't have to wear it for his/her sake.. I simply wore it because it was a gift and I wanted to be nice.. Also, finding clean clothes has become a hassle since this chemistry class has been kicking my ass.. But yeah, I actually use gifts people give me now.. Even sucky ones.. That, my friends, is growing up..

Now everyone does realize that I say the N-word at least once a day and that if ANYONE tries to do cancel my blog like they did to poor Paula Deen, there is gonna be a lync... ehh.. death.. 

Complete joke, don't get freaking butt hurt.. -----------------------^

Be original.. Since, in Ecclesiastes 1:9, it says that "There is nothing new under the sun..", you can't technically be original per say.. But you can piece together a life and a personality that is purely original and 100% you..

Just be yourself. If "yourself" was all your personality minus the cult-following, sheep-like attitude.. No one likes sheep.. I promise.. NOBODY LIKES SHEEP.. You know people say, "Oh sheep this, sheep that.. Bahhh.." No.. Sheep suck.. Sheep stink.. They are the sheepiest livestock animal ever..
What I am trying to say is.. Be yourself no matter what.. Minus the following and "I wanna be like him attitude"..
Because, there is a reason you are supposed to be who you are.. You are meant to "be something" for someone one day.. And if you are not the original you, the 100% organic you, then the person you are out here on this planet for (whether it be for the opposite sex in marriage, a best friend, or even a boss/subordinate relationship) will either 
A) Be disappointed because you are the complete wrong person for them due to your unoriginal mentality. They were most likely meant for someone else as were you.. 
B) They will feel lied to and tricked.. Whether intentional or not..
I have had my fair share of complete and utter rejections because I was not what said girl wanted.. And that is Good.. I am glad because they obviously weren't meant for me.. I am not claiming to be someone whom can get any person in the entire world to like me.. Self-confession time: I struggle with people not liking me.. unless I don't like them, then I don't give a damn.. But back to the point ha..
I have had a lot of people not like me for my views and attitude on this and that.. And to that I say, They are fearing the Big Mac.. the Chick-Fil-A sandwich.. iPad.. Shampoo.. All original ideas, and they fear that..
Which then bridges to my next point.. This point goes hand in hand with being original.. It's called being great..

To become something great in this world you have to be afraid and feared.. Because if you're not afraid of what you're going to face, then it's not worth facing. It is not worth it for me to go to the gym and pick up a 45lb bar and start benching it.. That is 45 pounds.. I know I look like I am built like a 6th grade, pre-puberty girl, but even I don't have trouble with that..! I don't fear that weight.. Maybe 55 though.. hahaha.. jk.. But what I am saying is, it's not worth it to fear that.. Reminds me of a great quote and one of my favorites.. "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate.. It is that we are powerful beyond measure.. It is our light, not our darkness, that gives us hope.." This quote should sum up your life.. Not your life when you graduate college.. Not your life when you get that promotion.. Not your life when you get married and have kids.. Your life TODAY.. If you today you go to work, get paid minimum wage, have a crappy day, get yelled at, come home and get in a fight, go to bed pissed, burn your mac and cheese, then yes, that is a cruddy day.. I am not going to lie, that would make me want to quit.. But you don't need to say, "When things get better, then I'll go achieve greatness and be fearful of how awesome I am.." HELL NO.. Be afraid, be awesome, and be original TODAY.. Go get that promotion, that guy/girl, move those mountains, climb that skyscraper, and figure out a way to achieve your dream.. And in turn, people will fear you and your greatness (Not a fear like fearing bubonic plague or Spartans, but you get the gist..).. So get dreadlocks, eat tofu, go hunting, wear only pink, and buy a ferret.. BE DIFFERENT.. But also, achieve greatness..  Because if you're not in this rat race known as life to do something great and be someone great, then why are you here..?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big feet, little penis..

"I know why BigFoot is so good at hiding. He has a little penis.. Big feet, little penis.. He has no clothes so he is scared of people seeing how ill-proportionate he is and that the stereotype of big feet=big penis doesn't hold up.. They'll never catch him.. Sure as hell wouldn't catch me if I wasn't packing.." -My boss..

Another chemistry test down, and one final to go.. My mind and life is literally "going a mile an hour right now" (That fast, huh..? -Pam). I am just so damn exhausted all the time now.. Between school, work, family, and acting like I have a life, I'm worn out..

"A good head and a good heart are a formidable combination" -Nelson Mandela
If you don't know who Nelson Mandela is, by the way, stop reading my blog, turn off your phone, and become literate by reading a freaking book.. Nelson is super sick at the moment and when I heard about his ailments, I remembered this quote by him. Isn't it true though..? Our heart and minds can both get us into a lot of trouble.. Especially guys.. Robin Williams once said that guys have two heads and only enough blood to run one at a time.. Seriously hahaha.. But if you think about it, he has a point (In a sense).. How often do we actually think we are in love..? Or that we have met "the one"..? That we will be eternally happy spending our lives with the girl we saw walk right past us without blinking*.. It's stupid of us as humans to watch movies, read books, or watch tv that portrays this scenario of falling in love on first sight.. Yes, there are times when this happens (IF YOU'RE INSANELY ATTRACTIVE). But I think it's time to grow up as a society. I have tons of people ask me relationship advice or simply small-talk with me about this subject.. People legitimately believe in some of this.. And it's just not likely.. I am super sorry to burst your bubble and seem like a pessimist, but it's the truth.. Find love by spending time with people and asking God who is right for you, not based on convenience.. So, in conclusion of my rant, use BOTH your heart and mind when making decisions.. Good looks won't last forever and "genius" can be faked. Good luck, ladies and gents..

My homeboy Garrett has some sweet song-editing talent and creates mixes..! These beats are great for parties or to study to, so you should hit this site up..!

My best friend Elizabeth has an awesome blog that is WAY prettier than mine, check it out..! :)

Mad respect for my boy Richard for his new blog, give it a try..!

Follow me on Spotify, I <3 music ha
Trey Keesee

*Marry Me by Train


Saturday, June 22, 2013

If you plunge into the water, are you a plunger..?

Been a few days since blogging and I assure you that I am very, very, sorry.. :/ I was swamped with my grandpa's surgery, chemistry, and other crap that isn't your business ha..

A few days ago my chem partner, whom is wheel-chair bound, said "Man, my hands have lots of callous'.."
I, without thinking, added, "That's what she said AND from what..? Huh..? How'd you get those callous'..? With a guy..?"
"No," she said. "From wheeling around.."

Also, what the hell happened to Jesse McCartney..? Like, seriously.. Releases like one album and then what..? Were guest appearances on Hannah Montana the highlight of his life..?

Conversation with kid at Whataburger while in line:
"I hate when people hit animals.. Pisses me off.. I'm always ready to kick ass.. Not you though, right..? Look at you, probably a pacifist.. Not me though.. I'll fight.. Like have you seen Twilight three..?"
"Excuse me..?" -Me
"Yeah, Twilight three.. When they kill that wolf.. I cried for like two days.."
Did he seriously call me a pacifist and then ASK ME DIRECTLY if I have seen Twilight three..? I would hit him the freaking mouth if I wasn't a pacifist....

I've had some really awesome talks with my dad recently.. He has been up at Tech for a couple of weeks finishing up some stuff for his Master's in Education (Woot woot, Mr. Keesee). One thing we talked about was annoying children at orientation and the possibility of one of my siblings being conceived on a field I play ultimate on.. None of that is relevant to this paragraph, but I thought I'd share.. One other thing we talked about was love. Love is a funny thing.. I, within the last few months, got completely torn apart emotionally by a girl whom I cared a lot about.. And, to be honest, I hated life and God because of it.. I thought it was His fault. He gave her and took her away.. But here is the thing, He DID do all those things.. Because He knows better.. She wasn't right for me, and He knows who is.. It took my earthly father to show me that.. But now, after 6 months, I thank her for showing me who deserves me.. Because she sure as hell didn't.. Someone who is beautiful, radiant, amazing, and everything I can be right back to her is whom deserves me.. And guess what.. I think I have found her.. This new woman is all I want and want to be.. And more.. She is simply my future.. And I hope she knows this.. And has a drop of mutuality..
So yeah, I am okay with dying inside for a bit.. Because, as Pam Halpert says, "It's not about who you've been with. It's about who you end up with. Sometimes the heart doesn't know what it wants until it finds what it wants."

Blessings by Laura Story.. Listen to it while reading the last paragraph.. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Country Roads, Take Me Home..

"'She likes the Beatles, I like the Stones..'* Damn, that song is catchy..!" -My boss
"Oh yeah, 'She wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers..' That one..?" -Me
"Does it really say that..? Yeah, I have heard that.. I guess it does.. Sounds sort of girly though.. Damn men today.. -Boss

I completely forgot to explain why my post the other night was labeled "Of cannibalism and dandelions", by the way haha.. I asked my boss how he would survive the zombie Apocalypse and he said, and I quote "By eating fat people and getting my cellulose nutrition from dandelions.. Assuming the nuclear war didn't wipe them out.." Just FYI..

Have you ever been so mad you wanted to just fist fight someone.. Happened to me yesterday when the "Pride of the Lubbock City Police Force" pulled me over for going 44 in a 40.. FORTY-FOUR IN A FORTY.. I thought maybe I had ran over an old lady or possibly had all my prior convictions as a hooker catch up to me, but no sir.. Just simply "speeding on my street" as he put it.. Your street..? I'm sorry, Officer University Avenue.. I had no idea.. I would normally consider myself a cross between Chuckie Finster and Gandhi when it comes to fighting.. But in this instance, I would have went Stone-cold Steve Austin on his butt if I could have.. Douche...

I heard something very interesting the other day.. "I wonder who will come to my funeral.." It really is an interesting thought, I won't lie.. I mean, I can definitely see the Queen and Oprah at mine, but I don't expect more than 40,000 there.. But seriously, wouldn't the better statement possibly be "Who refuses to come to my funeral.."? Is it more noble to make 1000 friends or NOT make 1000 enemies..? It says in Ephesians 4:29 to 
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Powerful stuff.. I love the song Words by Hawk Nelson.. It really exemplifies this concept.. I mean, who are we to wield such a deadly weapon as our words.. But back to what I was saying, don't make enemies.. Be a light.. Christian or not. Be someone that other people want to be and be around.. Because, a good amount of the time, it's simply about burying the hatchet.. And I know, as Dwight Schrute would say, it's a waste of a good hatchet.. But if it saves a friendship, then it's always worth it..

*"She Likes the Beatles-William Clark Green" for those of you non-cultured folk...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Of Cannibalism and Dandelions..

There are two types of people in this world; People who don't drive white Crown Victorias, and douchebags.. Like seriously, do they drive those cars for the joy of watching me slam on my brakes thinking it's a cop..?? Pisses me off to see a normal citizen acting like a vigilante.. Ignorance

Today I was driving and I saw a little black girl with her arm out the window in the back seat. I always drive with my window down so I naturally had something in common with her. While driving 50 down 82nd (super dangerous I might add) I winked at her a blew a kiss after she waved at me. She visually blushed and started giggling and told her dad something.. The car slowed down, saw me, and shot me about 23 cuss words and two dirty looks. Flabbergasted, I pulled over and beat the big guy up.. And by that I mean, I sped up and got away as fast as possible.. But I was really ashamed and shocked.. I had to deeply think about what I witnessed.. I, at first, was pissed at that mom and dad for being mean to "a light-skinned brotha". Then I started thinking how I would have reacted if a young black man had winked at my five year-old daughter and I nearly passed a kidney stone.. To me, this all comes back to the really cruddy world we live in.. My boss (whom yes, I make fun of) sometimes says some very poetic things.. "Racism is taught.. Yes, studies show that children naturally will segregate, but they are not mean or hateful to other races. It is this sh**-hole of a world that teaches these children hatred.."
He is right.. And I hate it.. I don't have any bright prospects or ideas on how to fix this, but just consider being child-like next time you want to be a jerk.. And yes, I am going to show my 90's kid pride and say, "WWJD..?"

I was told recently, by someone that I truly look up to and think the world of, that I was very wise. Wisdom.. You know, in the Bible, Solomon asked for wisdom above all things when God granted Solomon anything he could ask for. Due to this choice, God blessed Solomon not just knowledge and wisdom, but riches, wives (not Mormon, just the customs back then*), grand palaces, and he went down in history as one of the greatest kings to ever rule. Wisdom is a funny thing, however. Wisdom can make you bitter. Wisdom can make you happy, for a bit. Wisdom can make you pessimistic.. Wisdom can get you places, and make you not go places.. I think that wisdom is something that one cannot see within themselves because they know they're own personal mistakes that weren't so wise. It's like William Shakespeare says "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." Or something to that effect.. But I humbly accept this compliment. And am blessed to have this person in my life..

Due to this new-found knowledge of my wisdom, I believe that I have chosen the appropriate woman to court.. I like her.. A lot.. The timing is way off, granted.. But I am wise right..? So no matter if she is ready or not, or if I have to wait for forever, or show her why she needs to love me back, it will HAVE to be a good idea.. Because, wisdom begins in wonder**.. And, God, do I always wonder about her.. So she made me wise.. And choosing her is wise.. And by choosing her, I become wise.. See how that works..? A paradox and a vicious circle.. But in the great words of the great man Michael Scott -
"And I think that we are one of those couples with a long story, when people ask how we found each other. I, will see her, every now and then, and it's going to take a long time... and then it's perfect. I'm in no rush."

This post has Scott, Socrates, and Shakespeare, I think it should be printed off and framed...

*The good ol' days, I should say..
** Can't claim this one, it was from Socrates ha

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I stepped in dog poop yesterday.. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why I always seem to be able to find dog crap with my bare feet, but I ALWAYS FRICKIN' CAN. I have, however, come to realize how dogs avoid stepping in their own dung.. They have such a keen sense of smell. That coupled with the fact that they are about 5 inches from the ground keeps them clear of the poop path.. I mean, if I was that low, I'd probably be able to step around poop a lot too..

Today, I had probably one of the scariest/funniest experiences of my life.. I have a friend whom is wheelchair bound. She is in my chemistry class and will normally help herself up onto a bar stool instead of being in her usual spot in the chair. Today, I took the liberty of sitting in her chair while the professor gave her instructions for the lab. Then She came in. She being the meanest old lady in the entire chemistry department (I'm sparing names, but she is a b**ch). As she lectures the class on the proper form to use when using a glass dropper, she stops and chews out a young man for not wearing long sleeves. To my dismay, I look down and am wearing a t-shirt. She then continues and stops again to this time lecture on a student for no goggles or apron. I have neither. Then, curses at a student for no lab manual. You guessed it, Trey is fresh out as well. I WAS SCREWED.. She turns to leave and, without a moments notice, spins on her heels and faces me in the wheelchair. She slowly bent down and said "Son, will this table be alright to work on, or should we get you another..?" 
"Ummm.. No ma'am, this one will work.. Thank you.."
"Are you sure, I'll be happy to accommodate anything you might need due to your.. predicament.."
"Really, I am fine, thanks.."
She then turned around, and walked out like a ghost..
After this, the entire class, including the TA, busted out laughing and congratulated me on not dying.. Shoot, that was close..

Isn't it crazy how it's "gay" or "wack" or even "weak sauce" to care about somebody these days..? Since when has wanting something that's real or lasting become dumb..? Whether it's popular to admit it or not; we all long for that connection, and the opportunity to be with someone we don't have to hide from. We say things like "it'll find me" or "I'm a lone wolf" (that's what is really gay, ha) but that's just our excuse to stay closed-off and not appear bitter or afraid. No matter how much we get hurt, no matter how much we get torn down, no matter how many times he*/she will reject you, we all secretly hope for love. We all hope that the next time will end differently than the first time, but the key is not to close ourselves off and make the other person try harder. The key is letting go of the past and the fears, and embracing someones efforts of love. The beauty of the possibilities that can be found in love are easily found; it's having something to look forward to, even when you're done looking. And although the picture isn't as crystal clear as I want it to be today, my heart is just too big to not have hope for tomorrow..

"You know what? Sometimes it's not whether Cinderella gets her slipper back, but it's about the fact that the prince even picked up the slipper at all. There's a lot of princesses out there. You know they have all different sizes and shapes of feet. And hands! So... I think... I think my odds are pretty good." -Michael Scott

*again, not gay..!


Monday, June 3, 2013

And it moves us all.. Through despair and hope, through faith and love.. Till we find our place, on the path unwinding

Hello Everyone..! It has been such a hectic past few days with all the driving and heading to places so I'm sorry I haven't blogged :/ But, I am back to ramble on and talk about random things never conceived before.. So.. Be happy..

I am going to start by recommending a band to you.. Imagine Dragons is the FREAKIN' SHIZ..! I love them so much. And not even all the stuff of theirs you hear on the radio.. The music that barely even makes the albums.. There is a song written about Emma Stone for crying out loud.. Utterly fantastic.

"Now I don't understand that.." says my grandpa as we watch a commercial for Christian'
"It's just a dating service for Christians looking for other's who share their love for Jesus..!" Said I..
"No, this clip thing.. It doesn't make sense why you would want your cell phone on a belt.. It's stupid technology.." I look over and he is reading a magazine.. FML..

I've been watching the Office seasons, as you know, and I noticed something interesting..
Jim and Pam's relationship is a direct reflection by their positions in the office. And by position I am referring to their seating arrangement:
When they are really good friends: She is reception, he faces her from sales.
She rejects him and it's awkward: She is reception, he has his back to her unintentionally.
Pam goes to art school and Jim is promoted throughout the office so he constantly moves, too.
When she becomes a saleswoman, they are right beside each other while the strongest in their marriage.
Jim goes away to Philly and she never gets to sit by him anymore and their relationship struggles..
      Thinking on this, I came to some conclusions.. Be happy with where you are in life. I am at a place right now that keeps me down a lot. But I don't have to be down.. Being "down" is a personal choice and it has to be made every single day. So what if things are tough, so what if things are sucky, so what is you're tired of reading this blog..? Sometimes it's not about the position you're in.. It's about the people in relation to your position, whom you love.. Just keep that in mind..

Sorry it is so short.. Simple and sweet is sometimes all that is needed.. Goodnight
