Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Country Roads, Take Me Home..

"'She likes the Beatles, I like the Stones..'* Damn, that song is catchy..!" -My boss
"Oh yeah, 'She wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers..' That one..?" -Me
"Does it really say that..? Yeah, I have heard that.. I guess it does.. Sounds sort of girly though.. Damn men today.. -Boss

I completely forgot to explain why my post the other night was labeled "Of cannibalism and dandelions", by the way haha.. I asked my boss how he would survive the zombie Apocalypse and he said, and I quote "By eating fat people and getting my cellulose nutrition from dandelions.. Assuming the nuclear war didn't wipe them out.." Just FYI..

Have you ever been so mad you wanted to just fist fight someone.. Happened to me yesterday when the "Pride of the Lubbock City Police Force" pulled me over for going 44 in a 40.. FORTY-FOUR IN A FORTY.. I thought maybe I had ran over an old lady or possibly had all my prior convictions as a hooker catch up to me, but no sir.. Just simply "speeding on my street" as he put it.. Your street..? I'm sorry, Officer University Avenue.. I had no idea.. I would normally consider myself a cross between Chuckie Finster and Gandhi when it comes to fighting.. But in this instance, I would have went Stone-cold Steve Austin on his butt if I could have.. Douche...

I heard something very interesting the other day.. "I wonder who will come to my funeral.." It really is an interesting thought, I won't lie.. I mean, I can definitely see the Queen and Oprah at mine, but I don't expect more than 40,000 there.. But seriously, wouldn't the better statement possibly be "Who refuses to come to my funeral.."? Is it more noble to make 1000 friends or NOT make 1000 enemies..? It says in Ephesians 4:29 to 
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Powerful stuff.. I love the song Words by Hawk Nelson.. It really exemplifies this concept.. I mean, who are we to wield such a deadly weapon as our words.. But back to what I was saying, don't make enemies.. Be a light.. Christian or not. Be someone that other people want to be and be around.. Because, a good amount of the time, it's simply about burying the hatchet.. And I know, as Dwight Schrute would say, it's a waste of a good hatchet.. But if it saves a friendship, then it's always worth it..

*"She Likes the Beatles-William Clark Green" for those of you non-cultured folk...

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