Sunday, June 9, 2013

Of Cannibalism and Dandelions..

There are two types of people in this world; People who don't drive white Crown Victorias, and douchebags.. Like seriously, do they drive those cars for the joy of watching me slam on my brakes thinking it's a cop..?? Pisses me off to see a normal citizen acting like a vigilante.. Ignorance

Today I was driving and I saw a little black girl with her arm out the window in the back seat. I always drive with my window down so I naturally had something in common with her. While driving 50 down 82nd (super dangerous I might add) I winked at her a blew a kiss after she waved at me. She visually blushed and started giggling and told her dad something.. The car slowed down, saw me, and shot me about 23 cuss words and two dirty looks. Flabbergasted, I pulled over and beat the big guy up.. And by that I mean, I sped up and got away as fast as possible.. But I was really ashamed and shocked.. I had to deeply think about what I witnessed.. I, at first, was pissed at that mom and dad for being mean to "a light-skinned brotha". Then I started thinking how I would have reacted if a young black man had winked at my five year-old daughter and I nearly passed a kidney stone.. To me, this all comes back to the really cruddy world we live in.. My boss (whom yes, I make fun of) sometimes says some very poetic things.. "Racism is taught.. Yes, studies show that children naturally will segregate, but they are not mean or hateful to other races. It is this sh**-hole of a world that teaches these children hatred.."
He is right.. And I hate it.. I don't have any bright prospects or ideas on how to fix this, but just consider being child-like next time you want to be a jerk.. And yes, I am going to show my 90's kid pride and say, "WWJD..?"

I was told recently, by someone that I truly look up to and think the world of, that I was very wise. Wisdom.. You know, in the Bible, Solomon asked for wisdom above all things when God granted Solomon anything he could ask for. Due to this choice, God blessed Solomon not just knowledge and wisdom, but riches, wives (not Mormon, just the customs back then*), grand palaces, and he went down in history as one of the greatest kings to ever rule. Wisdom is a funny thing, however. Wisdom can make you bitter. Wisdom can make you happy, for a bit. Wisdom can make you pessimistic.. Wisdom can get you places, and make you not go places.. I think that wisdom is something that one cannot see within themselves because they know they're own personal mistakes that weren't so wise. It's like William Shakespeare says "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." Or something to that effect.. But I humbly accept this compliment. And am blessed to have this person in my life..

Due to this new-found knowledge of my wisdom, I believe that I have chosen the appropriate woman to court.. I like her.. A lot.. The timing is way off, granted.. But I am wise right..? So no matter if she is ready or not, or if I have to wait for forever, or show her why she needs to love me back, it will HAVE to be a good idea.. Because, wisdom begins in wonder**.. And, God, do I always wonder about her.. So she made me wise.. And choosing her is wise.. And by choosing her, I become wise.. See how that works..? A paradox and a vicious circle.. But in the great words of the great man Michael Scott -
"And I think that we are one of those couples with a long story, when people ask how we found each other. I, will see her, every now and then, and it's going to take a long time... and then it's perfect. I'm in no rush."

This post has Scott, Socrates, and Shakespeare, I think it should be printed off and framed...

*The good ol' days, I should say..
** Can't claim this one, it was from Socrates ha


  1. I adore the way you move through your topics and thoughts! There's a little of everything, humor, little "rants", God:), a sense of wonder... Great blog!

    1. Thanks so much..! Means more than you know..!

