Thursday, June 6, 2013

I stepped in dog poop yesterday.. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why I always seem to be able to find dog crap with my bare feet, but I ALWAYS FRICKIN' CAN. I have, however, come to realize how dogs avoid stepping in their own dung.. They have such a keen sense of smell. That coupled with the fact that they are about 5 inches from the ground keeps them clear of the poop path.. I mean, if I was that low, I'd probably be able to step around poop a lot too..

Today, I had probably one of the scariest/funniest experiences of my life.. I have a friend whom is wheelchair bound. She is in my chemistry class and will normally help herself up onto a bar stool instead of being in her usual spot in the chair. Today, I took the liberty of sitting in her chair while the professor gave her instructions for the lab. Then She came in. She being the meanest old lady in the entire chemistry department (I'm sparing names, but she is a b**ch). As she lectures the class on the proper form to use when using a glass dropper, she stops and chews out a young man for not wearing long sleeves. To my dismay, I look down and am wearing a t-shirt. She then continues and stops again to this time lecture on a student for no goggles or apron. I have neither. Then, curses at a student for no lab manual. You guessed it, Trey is fresh out as well. I WAS SCREWED.. She turns to leave and, without a moments notice, spins on her heels and faces me in the wheelchair. She slowly bent down and said "Son, will this table be alright to work on, or should we get you another..?" 
"Ummm.. No ma'am, this one will work.. Thank you.."
"Are you sure, I'll be happy to accommodate anything you might need due to your.. predicament.."
"Really, I am fine, thanks.."
She then turned around, and walked out like a ghost..
After this, the entire class, including the TA, busted out laughing and congratulated me on not dying.. Shoot, that was close..

Isn't it crazy how it's "gay" or "wack" or even "weak sauce" to care about somebody these days..? Since when has wanting something that's real or lasting become dumb..? Whether it's popular to admit it or not; we all long for that connection, and the opportunity to be with someone we don't have to hide from. We say things like "it'll find me" or "I'm a lone wolf" (that's what is really gay, ha) but that's just our excuse to stay closed-off and not appear bitter or afraid. No matter how much we get hurt, no matter how much we get torn down, no matter how many times he*/she will reject you, we all secretly hope for love. We all hope that the next time will end differently than the first time, but the key is not to close ourselves off and make the other person try harder. The key is letting go of the past and the fears, and embracing someones efforts of love. The beauty of the possibilities that can be found in love are easily found; it's having something to look forward to, even when you're done looking. And although the picture isn't as crystal clear as I want it to be today, my heart is just too big to not have hope for tomorrow..

"You know what? Sometimes it's not whether Cinderella gets her slipper back, but it's about the fact that the prince even picked up the slipper at all. There's a lot of princesses out there. You know they have all different sizes and shapes of feet. And hands! So... I think... I think my odds are pretty good." -Michael Scott

*again, not gay..!


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