Saturday, May 25, 2013

"It started out as a feeling, and then turned into a thought.."

You know what I like..? How an ATM can make you buy your own money.. Yeah, those stupid fees for using another bank's ATM literally make you pay for YOUR OWN money.. Coooool bro..

Last night I was watching Jimmy Fallon (awesome show, by the way) and drinking orange juice. His guest was a chef and there was milk on the set.. As I raised the glass of orange juice to my mouth the chef simultaneously raised the milk to his mouth and I got mind f**ked.. I have never in my life been so dumb-struck. My eyes and brain told me to taste milk while my mouth said it was orange juice and, in the end, it tasted like dead roses*.. Never again..

I was told by my best friend awhile ago that I am super hipster. As I pondered this statement, I realized I couldn't be hipster because it's too mainstream to be something known to people... Haha but seriously, I am super hipster.. List of reasons I am hipster.. I have Native American/New Mexican patterned clothes, I shopped at Goodwill before Mackelmore, I play ultimate and am good ha, I want dreads, I don't shave, hardly wear socks with shoes anymore, hardly wear my shirt in public anymore, I play disc golf,  listen to weird music, I am starting to lean Left with my political views, drink 40's, other unexplainables, and I plead the fifth with many other things.. But yeah, I guess I am.. Gayyyy

Lastly, I would like to clarify. Yeah, my Pam is out there somewhere and not here.. But guys, I am happy. I have some of the best friends in the world, I am loved beyond measure by both them and my family, and I am going in the right direction for what I want to do for the rest of my life. No, I am not a God of Friends with thousands flooding my phone and Facebook with "HMU..!" invites, but I love the people I do have in my life. I realized today, while clipping my toenails on the back porch, that I love life. I am the new captain of my soon-to-be Alma Mater's Ultimate team, I have a great job with an awesome boss, an amazing family who cares about my well-being, my grades are awesome and vet school is still a possibility, I have some of my best friends graduating this week and others home for the summer so I can either A) Miss them while they are gone, or B) Love seeing them while they are here for the summer..! So yes, I want a Pam.. I want to be in love.. I want to have someone to be there for me all the time, and be there for her 24/7, but I am good.. And in the end, it's the now that matters, not the future (See the paradox there..?).. “But, at the end of my life, when I’m sitting on my yacht, am I gonna be thinking about how much money I have? No. I’m going to be thinking about how many friends I have, and my children, and my comedy albums. I mean, I have a yacht, so I obviously did pretty well money-wise.” -Micael Scott..

Music recommendation- The Call, Regina Spektor

*The smell of dead roses is so pungent I will NEVER buy them for any woman, or man**, that I truly care about.. I want to projectile vomit when I smell dead roses
**I'm not gay, shut the hell up..

Also, I would like to thank everyone for their AWESOME comments and compliments on this blog..! I feel truly honored that you enjoy it as much as you do and actually give it the time of day..!

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