Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Here is what I want to know.. Why didn't they name Killer Whales 'Sea Pandas'..?" -Trey
"I guess they kinda do look like pandas.. Except for the fact that they're a F**KING FISH..!" -Boss..

"Oh Trey, listen, I am extremely glutinous.. I sin all the time and eat whenever I can.. I mean, look at my fat belly.. But still, THAT WOMAN doesn't not need to king size her fries.. King size a salad maybe.. Or the walk to her car.." -Boss

I've, as of recently, gotten very into Snapchatting..! There are some people that I really enjoy seeing on a constant basis so Snapping seems to be the solution.. There is, however, a major problem with Snapchat... Accidentally sending the wrong picture to the wrong person.. Like, sometimes you try to stay as attractive as possible for your crush, and then end up snapping her a picture of you eating a banana and winking which was meant for your best friend.. Yeah.. FAIL..

One of my pet peeves would have to be hypocrisy... Listen, if you post bible verses and scripture on Facebook and Instagram, don't follow up with "nigga" this and "nigga" that. Or the F word.. Or a blunt.. Or you holding a beer while kissing a girl's butt.. All awesome things *gaaaagggg* mind you, but DON'T BE A HYPOCRITE.. I am a self-proclaimed Christian and I love God with all my heart.. Yeah I have faults, and that is why I don't constantly preach at everyone I see or am friends with on Facebook.. It just isn't appropriate for me.. Thus being said, you do that crap and you're gonna get unfriended.. And if I do it or this post offended you, please delete me and make my job easier..

Lastly, why do we hurt.. Humans, as a species and a whole, constantly go through grief and struggles everyday.. I myself hurt daily for many things over many issues.. I am struggling at the moment with important life decisions and personal choices within myself.. But, I don't claim to know the answer, everybody.. So sorry ha.. But I do know that God says He has an ultimate plan for us and he will never leave us nor forsake us..! In Jeremiah 29:11 (favorite and life verse btw) He says "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. For they are plans for good and not evil. To give you a future and a hope". Those words are beyond inspiring and help me everyday.. I have my fair share of hard times, and I struggle daily too, but this verse helps.. But I recommend the song "Even If" by Kutless..
And remember, "Not all grief has to be sad.. There is such a thing as good grief. Just ask Charlie Brown.." -Michael Scott

Have a blessed day, peoples..


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