Friday, May 24, 2013

"Trey, I can teach you anything you need to know about tracking in 30 minutes or le.. Scratch that, TWENTY minutes or less. I have been tracking for 47 years now and nothing gets by me.."
"You've been tracking since you were four years old..?"
*Hesitates* "Uhh, yeah. I used to track lizards and eat them with my rabbits I caught.."
This conversation with my boss today about sums up work..

Today was alright, I guess. I felt very distant from everyone.. Ever have one of those days..? I saw an old lady driving down 82nd street with her hatch back of her cadillac open. At the stoplight I got out, ran up to her car, and tried to warn her. With this gesture, however, she assumed I was a hippie trying to rob her. She screamed. A lot. I gave her the dirtiest look I could, walked back to my car, and slammed her damn trunk in the process. People these days.. I wanted to rear end her, then when she got out to get my insurance, start screaming like I am being raped visually.. Whatever..

On a final note, I am at a loss.. I finished watching the finale of the Office (best TV show ever, mind you) for the millionth time, and cried yet again. Not because it ended. But because of Jim and Pam's love for each other. Now, I know it sounds cheesy, but they are seriously the perfect example of falling in love that I can see in my life today, fictional or not. I want to find my Pam. And there are many days that I think I have. She beautiful, brilliant, bright, bold, other words that don't start with a B, smart, amazing, eccentric, a true go-getter, and one of my best friends. Yet, we don't live in the same city. Somedays it feels like she is like 929 miles away. I want to be her all because I know she can be mine. I am so scared though. Who wouldn't be, right..? If she is my Pam, am I destined to play the best friend and wait for the right time..? 8 months or so down the line, will she even remember my name, or will college life take the toll and she forget that I love her. If she is my Pam, do I have to endure the heartache that accompanies that roll..? The rejection, the pain, the time..
But then you ask, if she is my Pam, will I be forever happy. Will I marry my best friend, my lover, my everything..? Will I smile everyday knowing that I made the best choice ever enduring the first "four seasons" to get to the glorious last "five"..? The more I type, the more I realize she is my Pam. All the other's never were. They were speed-bumps, Karens, and wastes of time. But this girl, she is my Pam. And all I pray is that I can be the best Jim that has ever walked the earth..


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